Before going to reveal the deadliest Google algorithm for your adult business website, it is critical to know what is Google algorithm. Basically, an algorithm is a set of commands or a set of rules for solving a complex problem and perform a particular task. So, Google algorithm is a set of commands uses to rank the resulting Web pages to give the best possible results for a query.
Over the years, Google has made many changes in its algorithm to prevent misusing and crack
Google updates its algorithm again and again over time in order to give the best search results to the users and stop malpractices used to rank higher on the search pages. Google algorithm updates have always kept webmasters worried. The changes in search algorithm offer similar punishments/rewards to both adult and non-adult websites. Adult
Also read my other post on Driving Free Organic Traffic from Google to your Adult Website
Now that you know what Google algorithm is and what it can do. It’s time to check out the top 5 most deadly Google algorithm updates which may have hit your adult website or online adult business.

Fred is an algorithm created by Google to penalize black-hat tactics that are related to extremely aggressive monetization. Google Fred especially looks for excessive ads, low-value content, and websites that generate very little user gain. It is introduced on March 9 but no one from Google would officially confirm the update until March 24.
Fred algorithm target those websites that have a little plan other than to drive revenue. Google penalizes those adults business websites harshly which don’t provide useful information to the users and only focus on revenue generation. Websites which focus on these areas have seen more than 50% to 90% drop in ranking.
- aggressive monetization
- Displayed misleading or fraudulent ads
- Displayed ads that dupe users into clicking on them
- low-value content
- blogs that displayed any range of topics with the sole purpose of SEO ranking
- Poor user experience and issues
- Low mobile compatibility
- Narrow content
- Too much overuse of ads
Overall, Fred targets those adult websites which violate Google’s webmaster guidelines.
Read more on How Does Google Deter Websites From Using Black Hat SEO Techniques?

RankBrain algorithm of Google target those adult websites which lack query-specific relevance features, shallow content, and poor user experience (UX). It helps Google to learn the meaning behind queries, and deliver the best-matching search results in response to the inquiry. It can increase or decrease the importance of your adult website backlinks, domain authority, content, etc depending upon keywords.
In other words, RankBrain is an artificial intelligence that uses machine learning to get you the finest match to your query when it isn’t sure what that query really “means.”If Google is really sure about what a query means then RankBrain will have a very little influence, it is only there to help when Google is unsure of certain queries.
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Google Panda algorithm update was introduced to reward high-quality websites and penalize the low-quality websites in Google’s organic search results. It had been first launched in February 2011 and came into impact in April 2011 globally with the aim to lower the ranks of low-quality website and promote up the high-quality website on the google search results.
Panda algorithm has affected the ranking of more than 12% search results. If adult webmasters want to save themselves from the wrath of Panda then they should restructure their low-quality content with high-quality content, eliminate annoying words, remove duplicate content and improve user experience.
Do check out my beginners guide on SEO – A Step-by-Step SEO Guide for Beginners

Penguin algorithm was officially launched by Google in 2012 to exactly target link spam and manipulative link building practices. It is also known by the name of webspam algorithm update which cracks down on the spammy or irrelevant link and the links with over-optimized anchor text.
The main objective of this algorithm is to reduce the effectiveness of irrelevant links and promote natural links. The impact of Penguin can also pass between domains even if you change the domain or redirect it to the old one to a new website can cause more complications in the long run.
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Hummingbird algorithm helps Google to catch users certain search intent and bring back the content that matches the best possible intent of the users. For example, we type a long keyword in Google search and they provide us the results which best match your intent keyword.
According to Google, Hummingbird has impacted about 90% of searches around the globe. It is not exactly a penalty-based update like penguin and panda which focused on cleaning the SERPs from low-quality content and malpractices rather it helps Google to understand the intent search of the users and provide best results to improve their experience.
Read more on the Mechanism of Google Search Engine